If you want to be known for as the "girl of many hair colors" use a non-permanent dye. The first couple of days it is really vibrant and then it's time for another box of dye. On occasions when I was not sure how a color would work on me I have used the non-permanent option. However, I find more often than not the dye bleeds on my bathroom towels. I am also amazed at how quickly it fades after the first week or so.
Permanent dyes represent an image you plan to maintain. You look for a color you love and then hope Walmart or Target still has it in stock when you need to touch up in a couple of months. Permanent dyes usually give people the impression that this might be your natural hair color. I imagine people who regularly use a permanent hair color stick to mostly the same color group.
Permanent vs. Non-permanent--Permanent hair dye wins in my opinion. Non-permanent dye was made for teenagers who want to "shock" their friends and parents. Unlike it's non-permanent alternative permanent dye is for adults who want to sell themselves as a blond, redhead or brunette.
Personal Story: I had highlights when I first moved overseas and they had faded. I wanted to have a "new look" before I met everyone. I like reds and I was feeling daring...not a good thing. I ended up looking like a fake redhead for a week before my old highlights started coming through. Also, we were staying in a hotel with white towels and they inevitably ended up a pinkish color.
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